- Zane Grey’s FlyboxBy Rich Domingue for FCCWhen I decided to recreate Zane Grey’s flybox from his halcyon days (1920s through his death in 1938)on Oregon’s Rogue and North Umpqua Rivers, I figured it would be a few days of research to determinehis favorite patterns, then a few hours to tie them. That was about a year ago. For the most part, thisdelay was merely life’s interventions, but identifying the flies, and worse, finding detailed patterns forsome of them, was an adventure. For example, among his ‘favorites’ was a fly he called the grouse andgold. Searching for this pattern led mostly to small trout wet flies, unsuitable for steelhead. Furthersearching led to a c. 1920 Hardy’s catalog which had a sea-trout pattern in steelhead sizes, the grouse andorange, which was ribbed in gold, with a grouse wing, that is the one I chose to tie. Similarly, did his‘favorite’ “professor with jungle cock wings” mean JC eyes, or hackle feathers? I tied both. In general,ZG’s writing on fishing for steelhead focused on the adventure itself, not “how to”, or “what to use”, sothe flies he used were seldom mentioned, and I never found a detailed pattern. I don’t believe he tied.What is known is that he purchased flies from Hardy’s, Orvis, and others, including locals to fill hisboxes and these are the sources for several of the patterns in this collection. He purchased flies fromHardy’s and likely carried a number of full-dressed salmon patterns, but the dusty miller is the only one Ifound named. Trey Combs black and white photo of Joe Wharton’s hairwing version is the only exampleof the turkey and red pattern Grey used I could find. My search for a turkey and red pattern with realturkey wings, similar to Joe’s and available in the 20’s, eventually led me to the light Montreal found inM.O. Marbury’s book Favorite Flies and Their Histories. I tied the flies on ‘period’ style hooks to theextent I had them and I tried to keep the historical flavor and character of the flies in the few liberties Itook with the patterns.In reading Grey’s stories about fishing the PNW and other places (Terry Mort’s anthology Zane Greyon Fishing), and stories about him by others (Trey Combs’ Steelhead Fly Fishing)– it became clear thathe enjoyed a long, rich, and adventurous angling career. His writings about fishing the PNW provide afun look back at the ‘good ol’ days, his entourage’s adventures, and their comical misadventures. Iespecially enjoyed the misadventures, told in a humorous self-deprecating style that left me to wonderif Patrick McManus filched some of his characters (e.g. Rancid Crabtree) from Grey’s entourage. Yes,the fishing was great by today’s standards, but his writing included laments about clear-cutting theforests that fed his favorite waters, aware even then of the need for protection. Steelheaders who have“… sallied forth to meet certain defeat,” would enjoy ZG’s fishing stories.The flies are from yesteryear, but they’d be right at home on the Rogue or N. Umpqua today.Grouse and goldParmachene belleGolden demonTurkey and redTurkey and goldHairwing coachmanHairwing royal coachman *11*I found no evidence that ZG used this y, but itis a popular PNW steelhead y and was widelyavailable at the me. It is quite possible that hishairwing coachman carried the red badge ofroyalty.
- Dusty miller
- Grouse and gold (adapted from: Grouse and orange,Hardy’s catalog c. 1920)Tag: flat gold tinsel (#10)Body: golden orange floss, ribbed with fine oval goldtinselHackle: badgerWing: grouse tailCollar: grouse body featherHead: tan threadHook: #4 Mustad 36890Parmacheene belle (this is a landlocked salmon flypattern dating to the mid 1800s)Tag: flat silver tinsel (#10)Body: lemon yellow mohair, ribbed with fine silvertinsel (some patterns specify gold tinsel)Tail: red over white quill sectionsHackle: dyed red and white hen hackleWing: White over red over white quill sectionsHead: black threadHook: #4 Mustad 7970Hairwing Coachman (in the style of Mary OrvisMarbury)Tag: flat gold tinsel (#10)Tail: wood duck barred flankButt: red woolBody: peacockWing: White bucktail (I subbed polar bear)Hackle: brown (subbed furnace)Head: black threadHook: #3 Mustad 9002
- Golden Demon (a fly Zane Grey popularized)Tag: flat gold tinsel (#10)Tail: golden pheasant crest (I added a touch of orangefeather fluff)Body: small gold braid wound tight and closeWing: brown bucktail (I subbed silver-tipped grizzlybear)Sides: jungle cock eyesHackle: fire orangeHead: fire orange threadHook: #4 Tiemco 200RTurkey and Gold (streamer style)Tag: small gold braidButt: red woolBody: medium flat gold tinsel ribbed with small goldbraidWing: turkey secondary quillsSides: wood duck barred flank (optional)Hackle: coq de leon or similarHead: red woolHook: #2 Mustad 9575Hairwing Royal Coachman)Tail: golden pheasant tippetBody: peacock herl with red silk floss in the middleWing: white bucktail (I used polar bear)Hackle: cochy bondhu or similarHead: black threadHook: #4 Tiemco 700Turkey and Red Hairwing (tied in the style of JoeWharton)Tag: fine oval gold braidTail: red hackleBody: red silk floss ribbed with fine oval gold tinselWing: brown bucktailHackle: fiery redHead: black threadHook: #2 Mustad 7970
- Light Montreal (Mary Orvis Marbury – assumedoriginal for Z. Grey’s turkey and red)Tag: fine oval gold tinselTail: scarlet ibis (subbed hackle tip)Body: scarlet silk floss ribbed with fine oval goldtinselWing: turkey wingHackle: scarletHead: black threadHook: #3 Mustad 9002
- Professor (with jungle cock eye wings)Tail: red GooseBody: light yellow silk floss ribbed with fine flatsilver tinselWing: jungle cock eyes (mallard breast in original)Hackle: brown (subbed ginger furnace)Head: black thread (subbed light grey)Hook: #2 Mustad 511cProfessor (with jungle cock hackle wings)Tail: red GooseBody: light yellow silk floss ribbed with fine flatsilver tinselWing: jungle cock hackle tips (mallard breast inoriginal)Hackle: brown (subbed ginger furnace)Head: black thread (subbed light grey)Hook: #2 Mustad 511cDusty Miller (per G. Kelson, graciously tied byAdrian Cortes for this collection)Tag: silver twist and yellow silk flossTail: golden pheasant topping with Indian crowsubstitute overButt: black osterich herlBody:first two-thirds of silver embossed tinselfollowed by orange silk floss with yellow olivehackle, all ribbed with silver twistThroat: Gallina, (guinea fowl)Wing: Underwing: white tipped black turkey –headwing: golden pheasant tail, bustard, guinea withsides of golden pheasant crest tied curving upward.Roof: Bronze mallardSides: Jungle cock and pintailHorns: Blue macawHead: Black