Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blessings from Mike Papais (GR8LAKES FLYER on Speypages)

The great thing about Speypages is that it gives the opportunity for like minded spey fanatics to share with each other and connect through a common bond in our passion. Since I began membership on the board in 2008, I've become friends with several great guys on there, including the incredibly talented Mike Papais. I've been impressed with Mike's mind blowing tying and even more so, his kind and generous spirit in his postings. Mike always has kind words and encouragement for others. Through PMs and emails, Mike and I have become friends beyond just talking about fishing and flies, even though we are separated by geographic distance and have never met in person yet.

I posted a fishing report on there a few weeks ago where I shared my excitement over a couple of my rare successes in raising some local hatchery summer runs to skaters and then getting them on comeback wets. In reading my post, Mike felt called to respond to an opportunity to extend a very generous offer in gifting me with some of his incredible hairwing wets, tied in hand. Of course, this was an offer I could not refuse!! Mike asked me of sizes I liked and went to work as his mood inspired him. I was amazed that in less than a week's time, Mike was PMing me that he had the flies tied and ready to mail off to me. The artistry and precision that goes into tying such beautiful flies in hand is one thing, but getting a handful of them tied in a short time is beyond amazing.

These flies arrived just in time for a thorough field test as I am heading to a favorite summer river for a "mancation" this week with fellow speypagers Adrian Cortez and Aaron Ostoj (also hoping Keith Tymchuck can also join us for an evening session).

Mike, thank you so much for gifting me with these beauties, but most of all thank you for your friendship and your kind and generous heart.

(Please forgive my poor photos, they don't do Mike's artistry any justice, but just wanted to be sure to lift Mike up for being such a wonderful friend)

By His Grace,

Attached Images


  1. Wow, what a nice collection. Have fun.

    1. Thanks Terry, yes these flies are beauties. We did have a fun trip last week and I was able to put most of these flies across some of our favorite summer run water.

  2. Thanks for letting me swing that No.9 Glitter Bear Red Butt, Todd. Mike is a clas act and I was stoked to be able to tie his fly to the end of my line.

    1. Glad you got to swing one of Mike's flies. I agree, Mike is a classy guy. You and I have both mentioned that we somehow feel like we've known him for years even though we have yet to shake his hand in person. We are blessed to know him.

  3. Thank you for the kind words Todd !!
    I'm stoked that you like the flies Todd , it was my first real attempt tying hairwings in hand .... pretty tricky managing the hair !!
    You are one of the posters I look for on the Speypages , I get all giddy when I see a new post !! I know that I'm in for a good story , but also knowing I'm going to learn something too !! Thank you for that !!
    I am honored that both you and Adrian would choose one of my flies each and step down the run with it , that is so awesome , thank you for that !!
    One day we will all meet Todd . We will all sit and tie a fly for each other , then we will all swing each others flies .... that would be cool !!

  4. Mike:
    I feel quite certain that a picture of a steelhead with one your flies in the jaw will end up on here one way or another! Those were your first real attempt at typing hariwings.... really?? Those flies look like you've tied hairwings for years! Thanks for your kind words about my stories - I have to confess that I write for mostly selfish reasons - to record my obessive fishing thoughts in writing and to relive the excitement of rare steelhead hooked, to chronicle my fishing life, and to connect with like minded fanatics. When folks actually enjoy what I write, I am very honored! Yes, well will have to meet someday - I like your idea of us tying flies for each and fishing them - in the meantime, we are together in His spirit and for that I am so grateful.

    Blessings to you and yours,


    1. I've tied hairwings before my friend , just never "in hand" . Like you know , I tie featherwings and mixed wings in hand usually , but the hairwing poses a new challenge . Cinching the hair down tightly can be frustrating .... lots of wax is needed - lol
      Keep your writing style Todd , it is most enjoyable !!

  5. Mike, I hear you about the difficulty with hair wings. I struggle tying them even with a vise! I have a hard time cinching the hair down securely enough while trying to keep the head realistically small. Actually what I meant was that your flies look as if you'd tied hair wings in hand for a while, they are so neat and clean. I'm heading back to my happy place tomorrow and will tie some of them on again. Thanks again for the complement on my writing and I'm flattered that you like my stories. Those steelhead have a way of fueling my crazed rambles as my friend Keith Tymchuck put it, "to make it real" - to be able to relive those all too rare joyful moments after they have passed. That's all I have between sometime long lapses between chrome encounters.
